الأربعاء، 27 أبريل 2016

شاهد وفاء الأسد ومقابلته للمرأة التي أنقذت حياته !

 سأسرد عليكم قصة قد تبدو لكم من قصص الخيال .. لكنّها واقعية .. وستصيبكم بالدهشة كما أصابتني .. !!
في يوم من الأيام كان هناك أسد افريقي يدعى جوبيتير Jupiter يعمل في سيرك متنقّل في كولومبيا، وقد أسيئت معاملته ممّن يعمل لديهم، وبعد خدمة سنوات ساءَت حاله وأصبح هزيلاً جريحاً على وشك الموت، وبعد أكثر من 10 سنوات صادف أن رأته سيدة تدعى آنّا (Ana Julia Torres) تعمل مدرّسة في مدينة كالي في كولومبيا، ساءَها حاله .. وأخذته معها وبدأت تعتني به إلى أن تماثل للشفاء، والغريب في الأمر أن الأسد جوبيتير حفظ الجميل .. فعندما يرى السيدة آنا يقف ليعانقها حباً وامتناناً ووفاءً للمعروف!!!

الجمعة، 8 أبريل 2016

بالفيديو: مغامر يمشي على حبل بين هضبتين مرتفعتين شاهد ماذا حدث مفاجئه

في مشهد يحبس الأنفاس، أظهر مقطع فيديو نشر على موقع يوتيوب الإلكتروني، مغامراً وهو يمشي على حبل بين هضبتين مرتفعتين محاولاً التوازن للوصول إلى الطرف الآخر
                                                 شاهد الفيديو الان 

الجمعة، 1 أبريل 2016

Winning Roulette Against All Odds

Charles DeVille Wells was said to be "The Man Who Broke the Bank in Monte Carlo." An enduring mystique has grown around this story even inspiring a song about it. It was also said that he accomplished this feat using the "Labouchere" or Cancellation System. It's hard to say how much truth there is to the legend, but I do know this is an insidious little system that seems to win on balance until a long series of unfavorable decisions creates a catastrophic loss. Wells died broke in 1926.

Roulette is one of the simplest of all casino games but holds a remarkable fascination for it's followers. The crudest recorded versions date back to the ancient Greeks and Romans. The modern game we know today began in France in the 1800's. The name Roulette is a French word meaning "little wheel."

In England a variation of the game was called E O (stood for even/odd) and in the 1800's America's wild west saloons they played another variation of a wheel game called Faro.

The European version of roulette is designed with 36 numbers and a single 0. With an odds payout of 35 to 1 the house percentage is vastly more favorable than the double zero wheel that is used on this side of the Atlantic.

With the single zero wheel and a feature called "en prison," the house percentage is 2.7%. When the zero appears, all wagers on the outside of the table(odd/even, red/black, high/low) are not lost and remain on the table for the next spin or the player has the option to forfeit half his bet. These features reduce the casino's percentage to 2.7% and on even money wagers it is further reduced to 1.35%.

Roulette in American casinos employs a zero/double zero on their wheel and is a world apart from the European ones. Using the 0/00 added to the 36 numbers increases the casino's advantage to 5.26% which is why the game enjoys much greater popularity in European casinos than it does here in the U.S. The payoff on winning bets are the same, 35 to 1, the negative house percentage is double.

Despite the increased house edge against the player, there are still some advantages to playing roulette. First, it can be a very relaxing game and provides a nice diversion from some of the more serious table games. It can be an enjoyable way to pass the time.

Secondly, since it is a game with a low expectancy of a winning outcome, it can be played with very low table minimums or starting capital.

This is not to say that it is impossible for the intelligent player to win playing roulette. On the contrary, compared to wagering on slot machines or the BIG 6 wheel where the percentages range from 10% on certain machines, to as high as 18% against the player it is by far a better bet.

Although I regularly hear the "experts" say that the roulette wheel cannot be beaten, that the player is guaranteed to lose, I cannot help but to disagree. Losses do occur at times, but on balance, I have been a net winner my entire life. If it can't be beaten, how is that possible?

In the 40 years I have spent gambling in casinos I have experimented with a wide variety of playing and betting methods. Some of these methods were marginal at best, but some that I've used were excellent performers. The long odds payoffs on the inside layout (the numbers) combined with a disciplined wagering system have the ability to produce exceptional results.

Although I agree that in the "long run" no system can overcome a negative expectancy, it is in the "short run" that the player must exercise the discipline to always quit when winning.

The game lends itself nicely to even money wagering on the outside of the table layout and most "up as you win" wagering systems tend to also be profitable when combined with reasonable expectations.

My problem with the "experts" regarding roulette is that they look at the negative house percentage and quickly dismiss it as a game that cannot be beaten. Their real life casino gambling seems to be either very limited or possibly nonexistent. My own personal experience is in sharp contrast.

The player's advantages are clear. The low capital requirements make it ideal as a low risk venue. The pace is leisurely and the rules uncomplicated with low table minimums. There are playing strategies that will, in the short run, give the player the opportunity for very attractive gains.

These are a few of the rules that must be followed to be successful playing roulette.

1. Familiarize yourself with the correct playing and betting systems. 
2. Do not vary from these playing methods by betting on hunches or riskier wagers. 
3. Decide on the amount of capital you will risk and do not exceed that amount. If you lose that amount have the discipline to walk away. 
4. Bet minimum amounts when losing and only increase your bet size after a winning wager. Never increase your bet size to try and recoup losses... ever. 
5. Keep your playing sessions short. 
6. The game of roulette was not designed to favor the player... 
Always quit when you are winning! 
7. Do not gamble with money you cannot afford to lose.

Greedy players are seldom if ever winning players. Do not try to "break the bank." It cannot be done. But, with good judgment and a fair amount of discipline, roulette can be can be both enjoyable and very profitable. Play to win.

Ray Walkoczy is the author of Players' Casino Club. It's web site is designed to explain winning playing and betting strategies combined with historical background. The Players' Club focuses on the four best casino table games of Blackjack, Craps, Roulette and Baccarat. Our goal is to present the very best methods to give the casino player the best chance of winning consistently. The information is always Free to anyone interested in learning how to win. Your comments and questions are always welcome.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Ray_Walkoczy/1840155

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8390010

How to Use a PS4 DualShock 4 to Play PC Games

When Sony announced that Dualshock 4 would work on windows, PC gamers all over the world celebrated in unison. Although, the game works on PC, it's not a direct plug- and-play situation; for you to play the game, you need to have an application.

The good side is that there is an open source application that aids in mapping Dualshoch 4's controls directly to microsoft's Xinput API.

To use the application, you need first to visit PCSX2 forum and download the latest version of DS4 tool. You should unzip the folder and put it somewhere you won't forget. Inside the folder, you should navigate to the virtual bus driver folder and open the 'ScpDriver'.

You should then click on the install button and when everything has installed, close the window and connect your PC to Dualshock 4. You can use USB or Bluetooth to connect your PC to Dualshock 4. USB method is usually more reliable because some Bluetooth chipsets aren't supported by computer software.

Once connected, you should navigate to DS4Tool folder and launch 'ScpServer'. Once you launch 'ScpServer', DualShock 4 should be recognized in the application.

One advantages of the application is that you can customize your gaming experience. To customize your experience, you should click on the 'options' button. Once you have clicked on the button, you will be taken to a window filled with sliders.

In the window, you will be able to change the color and intensity of DS4's light bar. You will also be able to switch the light bar, tweak the rumble settings, and enable the DS4's touchpad so that you can control the mouse pointer.

This software is designed to mimic Xbox 360 controller; therefore, the built-in gyroscope and accelerometer can't be found.

You should note that you have to manually launch the program whenever you want to play the game. If you want a program that will be integrated automatically, you have to buy PS4 or wait for the company to release PC games that come with native DS4 support.

Ensuring that everything is working perfectly takes a lot of effort. Another challenge is that the program is prone to bugs and hardware incompatibility. While this program comes with a number of challenges, it's a perfect choice for avid game players.

If you are already using Xbox 360 controller on your PC, you don't have to switch to DualShock 4 at the moment unless you feel that DS4 is more ergonomic.

For more Tips and step by step guide on PC Games,Cheap Gaming Accessories, Check out PC Game Supplies [http://www.pcgamesupplies.com] By Visiting [http://www.pcgamesupplies.com]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/George_C_Simeon_Snr/1608474

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8393910

How To Win Playing Casino Blackjack

The game of blackjack, also known as "21," has greatly increased in popularity in recent years. This is most likely due to the apparent simplicity of the game. I say apparent because even though the object of the game is easily understood, the complexities are widely overlooked.

If you ask a blackjack player what the object of the game is, they will most likely tell you it is to draw a card total as close to 21 as possible. This is a widely held belief, but it is incorrect. The sole object of the game is to beat the dealer.

To win, the player must either have a higher value hand than the dealer or have a valid hand under 21 when the dealer exceeds that target. Exceeding the total of 21 by either the player or dealer is referred to as "busting."

Blackjack had always been a fabulous profit producer for the casinos and was always considered to have a huge house edge prior to the mid 1960's. It was at this time Dr. Edward O. Thorp wrote his groundbreaking book "Beat The Dealer."

Dr. Thorp's book offered the first explanation of card counting techniques and how by tracking the depleted cards would give the player an advantage over the dealer.

Prior to this time no one had any idea that altering the composition of the deck would actually shift the advantage between the dealer and player depending on the cards that were dealt.

More importantly, those same computer trials produced a "basic strategy" for playing the individual hands based on the dealer's exposed card. Despite all that has been written on the subject, the correct strategy for properly playing their hands is actually known by very few players.

Though most blackjack authorities claim that their strategies are based on either computer trials, mathematical calculations or a combination of the two, I have found that their resulting strategies are in no way consistent.

Thorp's rules of play were also based on the use of a single deck of cards. At the time it was written all blackjack games were played with a single deck. Following the publication of his book, the nervous casinos fearing a loss of profits, countered by changing to an eight deck game dealt from a long, rectangular, plastic card holder called a "shoe."

The difference between the playing strategy for a single deck and a multi-deck game is dramatic. This accounts for the wide variety of rules and misinformation employed by players today. The single deck strategy cannot be used when playing the eight deck game.

The truth is, using a proper eight deck playing system allows the player to play an even game with the casino in which they have little if any advantage over the player at all. Applying an intelligent money management system and betting strategy gives the player a significant edge over the game.

While there are several casino table games, such as craps and baccarat, that offer the player the ability to play with less than a negative 1.5% house percentage, it is only blackjack where the advantage moves in favor of the player depending on their skill and the composition of the remaining cards left to be dealt.

With the advent of card counting methods, I do not believe there are any casinos that still offer single deck blackjack. The following is a complete description of the most effective "basic strategy" for use at a multi-deck game. It is as follows:

Dealer's up card is 2 or 3... Stand on hard total of 13 or more 
Dealer's up card is 4, 5, 6... Stand on 12 or more 
Dealer's up card is 7, 8, 9, 10 or Ace... Stand on 17 or more 
Always Split Aces 
Always Split 8's 
Split 2's & 3's when Dealer's up card is 4, 5, 6 or 7 
Split 6's when Dealer's up card is 7 or less 
Split 9's when Dealer's up card is 2-6 or 8 & 9 (stand on 7) 
Do Not Split 4's, 5's, or 10's 
Double Down on 11 when Dealer's up card is 2 - 10 
Double Down on 10 when Dealer's up card is 2 - 9 
Double Down on 9 when Dealer's up card is 3 - 6 
Double Down on Soft hand 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 & 18 when Dealer's up card is 5 or 6 
Always hit (take a card) a soft hand of 13, 14, 15, 16 & 17 when not Doubling Down 
Always hit soft 18 when Dealer's up card is 9, 10 or Ace

The use of "Insurance" or "Surrender" is not recommended. These options should only be used when the player is certain of the deck composition through card counting.

Although card counting strategies offer the player a means of consistently maintaining an edge over the game, the practice and concentration required to be effective is often beyond the reach of the average player.

For most players the use of the "basic strategy" is the optimal method of winning blackjack. An educated decision will always win more often.

Ray Walkoczy is the author of Players' Casino Club. It's web site is designed to explain winning playing and betting strategies combined with historical background. The Players' Club focuses on the four best casino table games of Blackjack, Craps, Roulette and Baccarat. Our aim is to present the very best methods that give the casino player the best chance of winning consistently. The information is always Free to anyone interested in learning how to win. Your comments and questions are always welcome.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Ray_Walkoczy/1840155

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8395053

Martingale Betting


Dating back to the eighteenth century, the Martingale betting system is one of the most frequently applied to poker casino games such as the Roulette. It succeeds its name by an English casino owner, Henry Martingale, who is known for encouraging the losing guys to double it up with their wagers. The Martingale betting system is based on a negative progression. What does it mean, you ask? Let me explain a bit further.


The system is based on quite a simple principle or a methodology as some would like to consider it; the player uses a betting series where each bet in the series is twice as large as the one before it for example, 1,2,4,8 and so on. As long as you keep winning the bet, you will keep betting at the lowest wager that in this case is 1. In the case of losing the bets, you will move on to the next wager thereby doubling the amount of the preceding one. The Martingale betting system guarantees that whenever your wager will eventually win, you will ultimately win the amount of the original wager (which again in this case is 1). The simplicity of the underlying principle of this system is what makes it one of the most common betting systems ever in the gambling world. Although it works best on the bets that have a near fifty-fifty chance of winning or losing, it can be applied to any game of chance.


By doubling your bet, or tripling or quadrupling or more, after every loss, you make sure that you will redeem all your collective losses when you eventually and ultimately do win. Not only that but by this procedure you will also win a profit equal to your original bet. This system keeps your wagers as low as possible by making the player return to his original bet after every win thereby limiting his investment or deposits made in the game. To speed things up a bit, the player can also start to triple their bets after each loss instead of just doubling it. This will increase the winning rewards. However it does increase the risks exponentially.


While the Martingale betting strategy sounds flawless and very appealing to even the rarest of gamblers lurking in the casino, it is not one of the steadiest roads to fast, painless and easy money. Consider consulting those who use this strategy or have used this strategy in the past to understand that the players of this strategy are endangered to unlikely yet high value risks for a small or little reward. The system practices the mathematical concepts of Statistics and Probability and puts them into motion; the player has the increasingly higher chance of winning a lot of small rewards while a decreased risk of losing a lot of money. Or in other words, if the player keeps on playing with the Martingale strategy for a really long time, it is possible that he will inevitably hit a losing streak that will max out all of his collective small pay outs or rewards entirely. According to the mathematical concepts of probability, there is a 0.1 percent risk of losing a fifty-fifty bet more than nine times in a row so if a player adopts this system for over one thousand bets he is doomed to see this situation at least once translating into a huge loss for the player in the entire game. Another drawback when using this strategy with slots or video poker is that there are minimum and maximum bets which are not accommodated well with the Martingale strategy because the players are likely to hit the maximum bet at some point during the game.


Although the Martingale betting strategy works compatibly smooth when wagering with non-withdrawing bonuses, it is not rare a sight or unusual to observe conditions where a player can invest say a hundred bucks and get as much as just four or five hundred bucks in non-withdrawing money that one can wager with. There are many casino games where there is a fixed amount or particular win rates from such deposits that can cut down or greatly reduce the benefits of playing video poker or the slot machine because the opportunity of fully benefiting from your winnings is short and difficult to exploit fully. Instead of playing full Martingale betting system, it is much better to initiate with small sized bets of video poker or whichever casino game you choose to play. That way you lose some of the money while increasing the bets without further deposition till you either finish your entire deposit or make a profit.


What if I tell you there is an alternate strategy that is so different, it is completely opposite? There is such a strategy known as the Anti-Martingale strategy. This is a system that is used by player sometimes unconsciously and many times purposely. Players take advantage of the positive fluctuations in the odds by increasing their bets only when they are winning and making the minimum bet only when they are losing. However, if the player keeps on doubling his bets as he wins, then eventually he will lose and when he does so, he will lose everything he had won in the game as well as any small bets made between the wins. So even though, this system seems completely opposite, because you bet more only when you make a profit, the final outcome is the same as the Martingale betting system.


Even though the Martingale betting system provides the player the higher chances of winning lots of small amounts, it also has a low risk for the player to lose a large amount of money, thereby ensuring the player does not suffer large losses. Therefore this system is benefiting and recommended to the players for a short term in a game. As a player of casino gambling games, be fully aware that you cannot avoid to eventually losing a sum of money so large that you might either go bust or hit the table limit making yourself unable and ineligible to continue the game any further.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Tayyab_Haqqi/1862865

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8404785

Scratch Card Superstitions

Superstitions Regarding Scratch Cards and Lottery Tickets

An Overview

A scratch card is basically a small card where you have to scratch off an opaque part of the card under which you can find out if you have won a prize or not. Computer generated lotteries were initiated in the mid 1970s, and they have been popular ever since. Since such cards are generally pretty cheap and you can instantly figure out if you have won the prize or not, it is no surprise that scratch cards are extremely popular amongst the general population. Add to this the excitement and anticipation that one experiences when scratching a scratch car, it is no wonder that there are many loyalists who purchase the same game every week in hopes of being able to win the jackpot. The greater the cost of the scratch card, the greater the prizes on offer, with some prizes going upwards of millions of dollars.

As the popularity of scratch cards increased, so did the theories and superstitions surrounding it. Many people have come up with various superstitions that they believe increase their odds of winning big and help to avoid losing. Even though these beliefs and strategies are not based in reality, many people swear by them.

Strategies of Winners?

Various strategies have evolved in the relatively simple act of scratching a card and discovering whether you have won anything. However, some of these are actually helpful. Firstly, a player should always consider going for cards that offer a greater chance of winning, as it obviously increases the odds of you winning something. When a person selects a card, he should be well aware of all the games available in order to select the appropriate game that provides the best odds.

Meanwhile, other scratch card winnings are paid out over a long period of time which can often be a good thing if a player opts for it due to it guaranteeing you money over a long period of time. This is also a good idea as it prevents people from blowing of their entire winnings within a short period of time.

Scratch Card Superstitions

As is prone to happen with any game of chance, people create their own beliefs which they think boost their chances of winning, as it is against human mentality to accept that there are things beyond our control. Some of the more popular superstitions include purchasing a scratch card from a specific place, which is likely to be a place where a winning ticket was sold, while others simply buy it from stores or gas stations close to them. Even though it doesn't increase the odds, it has been reported that a store that sold a previous winning ticket saw its sales increase almost immediately.

As players are prone to do while selecting a bet in roulette, they use lucky numbers while selecting the numbers. These numbers can be the date of special events such as a wedding anniversary or a birthday, or it could consist of numbers that a person simply thinks are lucky to him. While some people stick to the exact same numbers for every ticket, some use different lucky numbers for every card. There are even people who purchase the exact number of tickets as their lucky number. Even though there are variations in the use of numbers by the people, the theory of using lucky numbers has stayed consistent throughout the years.

Can Dreams Come True?

People often lay great value in dreams. A person gets in a car accident, and he abstains from driving for at least that day, as he is afraid that the dream will come true and the same will happen in real life. There is of course no logical rationale in this, but the decision is actually based on emotions. In the same manner, people often dream of the places from which they purchased the lottery tickets. And even though this dream has no affect on the chances of the same numbers winning in real life, people often tend to follow their dreams in such cases, and select the same numbers they dreamt about. And if a person does win after following their dream, they are definitely going to credit their dream for helping them achieve what realistically had nothing to do with the dream at all.

Other Superstitions

Other superstitious people, meanwhile, carry lucky charms such as a rabbit's foot as well as four leaf clovers in order to boost their chances of winning, even though they never mathematically increase the person's chances of winning. Some people prefer homemade trinkets that have often been passed down from generation to generation and which they believe contain good luck.

For some people, there are specific actions that must be followed in order to have any chance at all of picking out a winning scratch card. These include stepping in a gas store or supermarket with their left foot while making sure that the cashier, when handing out the ticket, gives them the ticket with his right hand. People may even take it upon themselves to place a silver coin inside their show when purchasing a scratch card as they think it may end up being beneficial. Meanwhile, there are people who believe rubbing a bald man's head will bring them luck and so, rub a bald man's head before getting a ticket while some wear a pin upside down on their shirt when buying a scratch card.


At the end of the day, every person feels a bit superstitious when buying a scratch card, though some show it more than others. While some may take their beliefs a step too high, others will take minor steps that they believe will help increase their odds. Even though superstitions and such beliefs have absolutely no effect on the outcome of the result, at the very least, it gives people confidence and hope, two attributes severely lacking nowadays.

Hence, there is nothing unhealthy in believing in superstitions. And hence, there is nothing wrong in believing in superstitions. In fact, superstitions can help create excitement and anticipation for the person purchasing the scratch card, which is a good thing on its own. In fact, there is the amusing anecdote of a person who used to be extremely superstitious, but immediately stopped when told that it might bring him bad luck while playing.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Tayyab_Haqqi/1862865

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8404815

Future of Gaming - Virtual Reality and Other Trends

With the advancement in technology, it's not very difficult to realize what the future of gaming is. In the past few decades, gaming has reached a whole new level. Starting from 2D games, today our video games are getting closer to reality. And video game consoles are focusing on that.

With that idea, comes virtual reality devices like Occulus Rift and Project Morpheus. Occulus Rift is owned by Facebook while Project Morpheus is owned by Sony. These devices are targeting to give users the premium experience of gaming by allowing users to interact all around them in the gaming world. You can experience flying, walking, dancing, shooting like never before, in virtual reality of course.

Keeping Virtual Reality aside, there are gesture recognizing devices like Leap Motion. While their focus is not Virtual Reality, Leap Motion allows users to play video games or even work on their computer using only hand gestures. This also allows a rich experience of users working or gaming.

Apart from that, there is a rise in online gaming with popular platforms like Steam. And platforms like Google Play Store, Appstore and such is constantly seeing significant growth in mobile gaming. And with Google Glass, there is a major possibility of augmented reality (AR) gaming. More on that later.

In this article, we'll focus on the future of gaming - with devices like Occulus VR, Project Morpheus and Leap Motion. We'll also talk about online gaming, mobile gaming and augmented reality (AR).

Virtual Reality For those who doesn't know, Occulus Rift and other such Virtual Reality devices are head-mounted devices, which allows you to look around in a virtual world.

Occulus Rift is the new buzz in the gaming world. With everyone excited about Virtual Reality, the question is, will Virtual reality live up to its expectation? Will it be the next big thing? Well, we like to think so.

If we rewind back in time, it seems unbelievable that we had Virtual reality devices and 3D glasses decades ago. They never succeeded back then because of the high cost and the unavailability of resources. But now, the time is different. Technology is getting more affordable each day and we have the resources for such devices to succeed.

There is a whole new prospect for futuristic gaming gadgets because demand in consumer market in increasing. And with devices like Occulus Rift and Sony Prometheus, the foundation appears stronger. While they're not completely out in public, they will succeed once they are out.

Motion detection through hand gesture Leap Motion allows us to work and play using only hand gestures. You just have to plug in the Leap Motion device in your Mac or PC USB port and you're done. After an easy setup and synchronization, you are ready to play video games through hand gestures or even draw using you're hands. Leap Motion allows accuracy up to 1 cm when designing or drawing. And the device handles gestures fast and smooth.

Leap Motion even has its own app store. It's called the Airspace Appstore. Although Leap Motion is at its early stage, developers have started to work on apps for it already. And you'll find a lot of amusing apps on the app store. Currently, it only costs $99.99.

Online gaming Popular online games such as Dota 2 and World of Warcraft is regularly played by a huge audience. What's amazing about online based games is that they regularly add more and more modifications to it, which makes it never ending and ever improving. Well, if the developers decide to continue. And what's really exciting is that you're playing against all real life players, an experience that everyone wants.

For all those benefits, online gaming keeps on getting popular. With most major games coming out with multiplayer online option, the future of gaming seems to be based around it. And all you need is a good internet connection.

Augmented reality (AR) While augmented reality, you are part of a physical world interacting with non-physical entities. In virtual reality, the virtual world is simulated. In augmented reality, the player remains in the real world, while non-physical objects on the device are placed accordingly using motion detection, object detection and other AR technology. While there are few apps on AR, there isn't really a huge game database.

With Google Glass, there is a whole new possibility. This eye-wearable device can be used as the perfect AR equipment. Augmented Reality video games in Google Glass can be played very smoothly as Google Glass is worn on your eyes. Developers have already started working on AR apps for Google Glass. So, expectations are that we'll have some fun and exciting new AR games to play as soon as Google Glass comes out in general. Currently Google Glass is out for $1500 in beta.

There are many scopes for the future of gaming. It could turn in any direction, or in many directions. All of these gadgets add new dimensions to gaming. So exactly which one of them would turn into a major medium is impossible to tell. It all depends on the speed of development, availability and user experience.


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Andrew_Rodwell/1946952

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8617113

Some Tips And Tricks To Save Money On Your PSN Card Purchases

As an avid PS gamer, you are probably always up-to-date on the latest games released and the ones that have yet to be released. And since it seems that there's a new PS game every month, buying them will definitely eat a chunk of your money, even if you allot some cash for this endeavor.

Aside from cash, you can also choose to use your credit card to purchase PS games and other apps. Unfortunately, you will incur some charges with this option. And there is always that risk that your sensitive banking information can fall into the hands of unscrupulous hackers.

If you can't resist the temptation of buying the latest releases of PlayStation but don't want to use your credit card and still want to save some money in the process, consider getting a PSN card. A PSN card contains a code that you can use to buy items from the PlayStation Store using any of the suitable devices.

One of the advantages this card offers is that it allows PS users to unlink their credit card from the PlayStation store and still buy or download games, movies, and other apps they are interested in. Also, with this card, you can also purchase other items from the brand's entertainment network store.

This option also offers buyers the opportunity to save some money. How? Read these tips and tricks below:

Be on the lookout for promos. Online and brick-and-mortar merchants offer discounts on PSN card purchases from one time to another. These promos include discounts that come with buying a certain number of cards or as a reward for being a loyal PS user. It's easy to find out which merchants offer these promos since you can simply go online to search for this information. These promos though usually last for a limited time only so you have to be quick in snatching them up.

If the game you want to buy has a time-trial demo, test it before making the decision to buy it. This will help you avoid wasting money on a game that you won't even like. If you get bored playing a game within an hour, you have no obligation to buy it.

Lastly, before buying a game, always double-check the final checkout price. There may be some extra charges that can be added at the last-minute and you don't want to be surprised with this. Also, this will give you some time to discontinue your purchase if you don't want pay for this additional charge.

Read more related information regarding PSN cards here.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Carolyn_R_Roberts/1876601

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9333897

Augmented Reality: Introducing to the Gaming World

If you are looking for an augmented reality development company, then you may want to first have a review over the below article.

If you are searching for an augmented reality company, then you may have some interest in the following sections where we shall describe a few helpful ways that you can use in order to shop for such companies. In addition, we shall also discuss some of the more notable attributes of augmented reality.

Over the past couple of years or so, there seems to have been a slight shift in the gaming world. Essentially, the emphasis has moved from gaming consoles to mobile applications and games. One reason can be related to pricing and another can be convenience. A console may require you to purchase actual tangible discs that need to be inserted; it just seems like an extra step which can be avoided. Secondly, there is the cost factor. The average price of a game may run anywhere from say $40-$90 whereas many mobile and Smartphone games are free. One thing to note here however is that a number of games across the mobile platform may start out as free but if you wish to continue deeper into the game, there may be a small fee involved. It's a very plausible speculation that this type of shift is the reason behind the declining sales when it comes to console gaming.

If you have any intentions to create and develop an app, then you may require the services of an up and coming technology company. But how can you best go about searching for a reliable and proficient company? First off, it's interesting to note that many corporations that produce gaming technology are located in under developed countries. What's more is the great deal of experience and innovation that they can boast of. For instance, a trending concept is one that is described as augmented reality. This is an essential part of playing roles and first person shooting games, or FPS. Augmented reality allows you to either view just a part of the figure or just the whole screen itself. This is key particularly for smaller screened devices like tablets or Smartphones for example.

Another reason as to why the popularity of these augmented reality studios is growing, rests on the fact that the demand for these types of games remains very high. It is a matter of fact that these FPS or first person shooting games is the ones that seem to be sold out fastest. And when I mention games, I'm referring to them being played over consoles and not over mobile platforms.

when searching for the right augmented reality development company, be sure that you are selecting the one that has the most years of experience. In addition, it would be helpful that you research some of the credentials that the staff and team members have. Artistic ability, design backgrounds, and architectural skills are all essential components to have in this type of company. And like I've mentioned earlier, even though the majority of these corporations and studios are located in that section of the world, their customer service aspect seems to be exceptional. Communication and customer service is a large part of their success. Final points that i would like to stress are related to the multi-platform aspect in conjunction with variability when it comes to software applications and programs. For instance, augmented reality, aside from its benefit in the game engines, can also be useful in other programs such as adobe, 3d design applications amongst a variety of others.

If you are interested to in gaming then pay a visit on Gamesiju.

Owner of Gamesiju.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Ahmed_Munir/1356881

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