الخميس، 24 مارس 2016

The Next Generation Console: Tomb Raider

The Definitive addition of Tomb Raider has elevated a classic video game into the proverbial model of the 2016 game changer. The remastering of this video game on the Next Generation console has re-introduced this classic video game to a whole new generation, all the while still captivating veteran gamers. The effects are now in HD which makes the adventures more exciting and almost lifelike. The modifications to the weapons are ten times more powerful than the originals. The bow and arrows alone have changed the overall dynamic of her arsenal.

Gaming with Smith's main objective is to help players transition from the original adventure into the explosive playing field of the new one. The character's movements are completely different although a lot of the weaponry has changed. One of the goal's accomplished by Gaming with Smith is the direction and explanation of the majority of these character movement's. Once a gamer, has learned the basics, the transition is not only easier but the rewards and so much more gratifying than the original.

Tomb Raider will forever be a video game classic. Now with the addition of modern technology and the influence of a completely re-born gaming system, it is now prepared to take its legacy to the upper echelons of Video game history. From it's surreal graphics to the unique story line, it is eons ahead of the majority of the games that are out there. The Next Generation Console has taken a huge step into the new gaming world and Gaming with Smith is an upcoming YouTube channel that will guide you through every step of the way.

Defoncia Herndon is the owner of Herndon Marketing and 3 time published author. He can be reached at Defoncia76@hotmail.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Defoncia_Herndon/618224

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9299745

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